As we note in our DMCA Takedown Policy, in those cases, because GitHub cannot disable access to specific files within a repository, we will contact the user who created the repository and give them approximately 1 business day to delete or modify the content specified in the notice. It means that either the notice did not allege that the entire contents of a repository infringe, or the copyright holder identified other changes that could be made to the content to resolve the alleged infringement.
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It only means that we received the notice on the indicated date. What does it mean if there's a notice posted here? Similarly, we post takedown notices here to document their potential to "chill" speech. Study to date suggests that cease and desist letters often silence Internet users, whether or not their claims have legal merit." (About,, Sept. but concerned that not everyone feels the same way. Chilling Effects/Lumen explained it well in 2014 ( mirror not present on their current site): "We are excited about the new opportunities the Internet offers individuals to express their views.

In short, we believe that transparency on a specific and ongoing level is essential to good governance. We publish them as they are received, redacting only private information, as well as URLs reported but that we determined were not actionable under the DMCA. Inspired by Lumen ( formerly Chilling Effects) and Google, this repo contains the text of DMCA takedown notices and counter-notices we've received here at GitHub.