Julie Schwartz thought this was a bit too obvious for the Comics Code and insisted on a few changes-but the original version was reprinted in THE GREAT SUPERMAN COLLECTION (very hard to get this book-I've tried with no luck). She stays overnight and arrives at work in the same clothes she had on the day before-which Steve Lombard remarks on. Bates and Maggin co-wrote this story and they made it pretty clear that Clark slept with Lois. The four-parter in SUPERMAN 296 - 299 had Clark and Lois getting awfully close. Anyway, Cary Bates used the character again in his own TPLOCK short story, "Who is Mr. I think it was meant as a joke by Wein and Adams-referring to Professor Xavier from the X-MEN in a DC book (was Prof. 254 (July '72), "The Baby Who Walked Through Walls" by Len Wein & Neal Adams. It's a bit of a spoiler, but one of Clark's neighbours is X, who is mentioned but not seen in SUPERMAN No. This story sort of develops out of some goings on with Clark's neighbours, who were featured in various stories-especially in the Private Life of Clark Kent stories. 296 (February '76), "Who Took the Super Out of Superman?" begins the four-parter where Kal-El tries to decide whether to be Clark or Superman.

KAMANDI 29, SUPERMAN 295, the Atomic Knights and Hercules figured into an article that Paul Levitz wrote for AMAZING WORLD OF DC COMICS, where he tried to work out an Earth After Disaster timeline. It reminds me of those Weisinger era stories, where all kinds of ridiculous stuff would happen and it would turn out that it was Saturn Girl in disguise or some such. SUPERMAN 295, however, tries to take all continuity and make sense of it. The Kirby story was just a fun romp-I don't think he meant it to fit in any kind of continuity. 29 (May '75), "Mighty One"-in which Superman's costume figures prominently. 295 (January '76), "Costume, Costume-Who's Got the Costume?" ties in with an earlier Jack Kirby story from KAMANDI, THE LAST BOY ON EARTH No.
Superman #295 - "Costume, Costume - Who's Got the Costume?"ĭC Comics Presents Annual #2 - "The Last Secret Identity!"Īdventures of Superman: Jose Luis Garcia-LopezĪre entirely comprised of Bronze Age stories and contain a fair chunk of the comics mentioned here.Ī four issue mini series plus DC Comics Presents #97 which can be frustrating because it's a lousy format. The Best of DC digests are fantastic compilations. They can be found for low prices on book selling sites more often than not. In addition, many trades with Bronze Age stories will also throw in some neat stories from other times. The best thing I think is checking out trades, because finding back issues that don't look like they've been left on a patio can get pricey and is a tough sell when you're not too sure about what you're getting. Some of those might still come up in an uncomfortable price range, though.